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//-->January / February 2009NEWSLETTER OF THE ENGLISH CHESS FEDERATION£1.5084th Hastings International Chess CongressIn these tough economic times wefeared a drop in numbers this year.So we were pleasantly surprised thateach tournament had higher entriesthan last year. In fact we had to hireextra tables and chairs for the finalweekend to accommodate over ahundred players in the Masters andnearly 200 players in the Weekendall playing in the same hall at thesame time.I do not need to dwell too muchon the results. These are shownseparately on page 6 and fulldetails are given on our website(www.hastingschess.org.uk). Thereforeon this occasion I should like toacknowledge the contributions ofthe various personnel from otherparts of the country who made this one of the smoothest Hastings congresses that we can remember. StewartReuben as always assembled a highly entertaining field of titled players for the Masters. David Welch (our chiefarbiter) led an excellent control team. Alex McFarlane and Lara Barnes ran the Masters. David himself and ScottFreeman oversaw the Christmas morning and afternoon events. John Constable, Christine Constable, Daniel Gliddonand Priscilla Morris stepped in to help David Welch with the final few hectic days including the Weekend.Steve Giddens is now an establishedpart of the organisation, supplyingdaily reports and annotated gamesfor the Congress website. JonathanTuck continued to keep the websiteup to date with daily pairings andresults. We particularly welcomedDavid Clayton on his first visit toHastings. He was in charge ofproducing up to 20 games shownlive on the website each daythroughout the Congress.30 FIDE federations were representedat Hastings this year. We believe thisto be our highest number to date.Con PowerPhoto: Russian grandmaster Igor Kursonov presented with Golombek trophy by Michael Foster (right) andCllr. Peter Pragnell (left) Leader of Hastings Borough Council.EditorialI wish to add a few personal words tothe citation for the President’s Awardpresented to Bruce Holland. Bruce has formany years toiled down to the ECF Office(accompanied by David Thomas) wheneverIT work has been required or hardware hasneeded to be replaced. Both have givenup weekends and annual leave to do so,often burning the midnight oil.It is not an easy job to ensure hardware isreplaced whenever necessary and outsideof office working hours, thus reducing theimpact on office staff.Their good humour and hard work is muchappreciated, and we are all sad to see Brucego.Cynthia GurneyJanuary (Half Year) Rapidplay GradesThese are now available on the Grading Database website (http://grading.bcfservices.org.uk) - bringing in Rapidplay games played up to the end of November 2008.ECF NewsECF Appointments and VacanciesManuel Weeks is the new Manager of British Chess Championships and RayRyan Foster has been appointed as the new International Rating Officer.However we are still seeking to appoint a number of officers as shown below. Reasonable expensesincurred in fulfilling the duties of the post will be reimbursed. Anyone wishing to discuss this postshould contact the ECF Office by 28th February. office@englishchess.org.uk 01424 775222.Director of Finance:Manages the preparation of the annual statement of Accounts of the Companyand presents it on behalf of the Board, duly audited, to the Annual Meeting of Council. Oversees therecords kept by the ECF Office, ensures they are accurate and adequate for accounting purposesand for the preparation of VAT and other statutory returns. Guides the work of the accounting staffin the Office. Prepares the Federation’s annual budget, in liaison with the individual ECF Directors,the Board and the Finance Committee. Produces for the Board periodic management informationand forecasts of income and expenditure; takes remedial action, as may be required, in consultationwith the Chief Executive and the Board. Is responsible for the collection of Game Fee by the Managerof Finance and Management Services and office staff and provides forecasts of Game Fee income.Evaluates the various risks to which the ECF is exposed and proposes to the Board the appropriatecourse of action, including, as appropriate, insurance. Provides general advice to the Federationon financial matters, taxation, statutory accounts and reporting requirements. Must possess,and provide evidence of, an appropriate accounting qualification. Develops the ECF approach tomembership (of all types), membership fees (including Game Fee) and benefits (including gradingand representation) attaching to membership. ConsultsManager of ICT:Reports to the Chief Executive.Provides advice to the Board on all ICT matters. Supports the Office to ensure that the Office ICT ismaintained. ; Provides advice as necessary on upgrades to the Office ICT infrastructure.; Chairs theECF IT Committee.Manager of Congress Chess:Reports to the Director of Home Chess.Organises all other ECF tournaments, other than those that are the specific responsibility of anotherDirector. Organises the ECF Grand Prix and ensures the safe custody and maintenance of allplaying equipment, including Internet equipment, belonging to or used by the Federation. Makesrecommendations regarding the appointment of persons as ECF Arbiter, ECF Senior Arbiter andInternational Arbiter. Is responsible for the ECF Chess Calendar.ContentsHastings International Congress.....FC, 6-8ECF ........................................................News 2-5International News................................... 9-10Junior News ..............................................11-12Book Reviews ................................................. 12Games............................................................... 13Littlewood’s Choice ..................................... 14Obituaries..................................................15-17Results Round-Up...................................18-19Grand Prix........................................................ 19Calendar of Events ....................................... 20Copy Deadline10th March 2009ECF Awards 2008Honorary Life MemberMichael Foster MP for Hastings and Rye:Michael Foster has been a greatsupporter of English chess for many years. He regularly attends the HastingsInternational Tournament and on occasion has stepped forward to sort out problemsfor the foreign players. The Hastings University Centre which now houses theNational Chess Library benefited greatly from his efforts as did the Library itself.During the BCF Centenary celebrations a Match of the Generations tournamentwas hosted by Hastings and St Leonards Chess Club with Michael Foster playingthe children throughout the day.The Chess for Schools project would not have the high profilepolitically that it has without Michael’s help, it is he that wrote to everyMP in the House of Commons asking them to contact the schools intheir constituency asking the schools to apply for the free chess setsdonated by Holloid Plastics. When the first Chess sets were presented toHelenswood School Michael ensured media coverage by appearing at thepresentation and once again playing chess with the children.CHESSMOVES – JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2009Stewart Reuben presenting Michael with his Honorary Life Membership.2British Chess Educational Trust AwardsWith funds provided by the generosity of the late Sir George Thomas(now administered by the British Chess Educational Trust) the EnglishChess Federation annually awards shields to schools which have shownoutstanding achievements or enthusiasm in chess. Commencing1982 inscribed chess boards have been substituted for shields.Recommendations for awards should be forwarded (via the appropriateUnion if in England, or via the national organisations for Scotland or Wales)to the ECF Office at Battle by 31st May each year.Congratulations Knights United Chess Club (Old Blackburnians) and QueenElizabeth’s Boys School (Barnet) who received the 2008 award.ECF Awards 2009Chief Executive Chris Majer presenting Bruce with his award.President’s Awards for Services to Chess 2009President’s Award for Services to ChessCongratulations to Bruce Holland, who was presented with his award atthe January 2009 ECF Board Meeting.Brought up in South-East London, Bruce Holland moved to the Midlandsin the early 1970’s, and in 1975 becoming a founder member of KenilworthChess Club. For some years this, and holding various positions with theLeamington League in which the club played, was the focus of his chessactivities. In 1986 he was present at a meeting of the Warwickshire ChessAssociation at which a major financial crisis came to light. This had twoimmediate consequences: a resolution was passed containing a delayedthreat to disaffiliate from the BCF unless an accommodation could bereached over the County Levy, and Bruce volunteered from the floor toaccept nomination for the post of Treasurer, and was duly elected. Thesubsequent negotiations with the Federation both introduced Bruce toseveral of the BCF’s senior officials and they to him.As well as being Treasurer of Warwickshire Bruce was appointed one ofthe County’s delegates to the MCCU. This led to making acquaintancewith Roger Edwards, and a couple of years later to their being offered tothe Federation as the MCCU’s resident experts to sort out the NationalGrading system. The result of their joint work was the Patti system whichsuccessfully generated National Grading lists from 1988 to 2000, onlybeing superseded when availability of more powerful cheap computers,and the ubiquity of e-mail, made further advance possible. Even then,Bruce was heavily involved in assisting Chris Howell to design thereplacement system.As Warwickshire delegate to the BCF Council Bruce was largely instrumentalin the replacement of the County Levy with the Game Fee scheme, whichsubsequently led to the enfranchisement of the independent Leagues. Ata regional level, on behalf of the MCCU he was for many years one of theprinciple organisers of the successful Midland Open Championships.In 2003 he offered his services to the President of the BCF to sort outproblems which had arisen with the IT equipment in the office at Battle.Before anything else could be done this involved taking an inventory ofwhat was in use, and as a next panic measure installing anti-virus software,which the previous advisor had regarded as an unnecessary precaution. Ona more measured time scale he was responsible for renewing the bulk of theequipment on an admirably small budget. This involved him, over the years,in a significant number of trips from the Midlands to Battle, and at least a fewlate nights slaving over hot computers. Unfortunately during this time hebegan to experience health problems. The major symptom was increasedtiredness, which for someone who had regularly survived on as little sleepas he did was a particular trial. Eventually this led him to decide that he wassimply no longer capable of carrying out the task of ECF Manager of IT as hefelt it should be done, and he tendered his resignation.CHESSMOVES – JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2009Nominations are invited for the ECF President’s Awards. The awards aremade annually for services to the game of chess. Previous winners includeB H Wood, The BBC, the late IM Bob Wade and a host of players andorganisers. The recipient of the award will receive a plaque.Nominations, with a short citation, should be sent (by 18 April 2009) to:John Wickham, 55 Shakespeare Way, Taverham, Norwich, NR8 6SL or emailj.r.wickham@btinternet.com Winners of the award will be announced onthis website and at the ECF AGM in October.Club of the Year &Small Club of the Year 2009The ECF is looking for submissions from Chess clubs for these two awards.We are seeking details of clubs that stand out from the rest and clubs thattheir members feel proud to belong to. It’ time to get recognition of yourclub by becoming recipients of the award from the ECF.The submissions should detail the clubs participation in local leaguesand competitions, but also cover such items as how the club encouragesmembership among groups under represented in the general chesspopulation, the contribution made to chess locally and nationally, theactivities organised for juniors and comment on how the club interactswith schools and the local community. The club(s) selected for the awardswill receive a scroll, an engraved plaque and digital clock.Send your submissions by 30 May 2009 to: John Wickham, 55 ShakespeareWay, Taverham, Norwich, NR8 6SL or email j.r.wickham@btinternet.comMagazine of the Year 2009Nominations are invited for the ECF Chess Magazine of the Year award.We are looking for nominations from either readers or editors of Chessmagazines that are produced by volunteers. The editor of the magazineselected will receive a scroll and a copy of the ECF Chess Book of the Year(any alternative to this is at the discretion of the Awards committee). Sendyour nominations by 11 April 2009 to: John Wickham, 55 Shakespeare Way,Taverham, Norwich, NR8 6SL or email j.r.wickham@btinternet.comWebsite of the Year 2009ECF are seeking nominations for the ECF Chess Website of the Year award.We are looking for nominations from either users or the webmasters ofChess Websites that are run by volunteers.The webmaster of the site selected will receive a scroll and a copy ofthe ECF Book of the Year (any alternative to this is at the discretion of theawards committee). Nominations with the website address should be sentby 30 April 2009 to: John Wickham at j.r.wickham@btinternet.com3Congress of the Year 2009Open to Congresses/Events that are affiliated to the ECF, either individually or throughanother body, and held in the period 1st July 2008 to 30th June 2009.The Judges will assess the Congress/Event over a range of factors to include accessibilityto all groups, quality of the venue and facilities offered, type and range of events offered,the skill/ability of the organisers, the entry form and the publicising of the event, value formoney etc.In addition the judges may seek the views of the players who entered the Congress/Event.The winners will receive a certificate and will be able to offer a free entry to the 2010British Championships to those entering their Congress/Event, as well as the title of “ECFCongress of the Year 2009”.The Awards committee will contact the winners after the judging is completed and thenwill announce the winner on the ECF website as well as at the ECF AGM in October 2009.Eligible Congresses/Events are asked to submit a citation, with copies of the entry forms,to John Wickham, 55 Shakespeare Way, Taverham, Norwich, NR8 6SL or email j.r.wickham@btinternet.com by 5 July 2009.County Championships 2008/9Preliminary Round - 25 AprilQuarter Finals - 16 MaySemi-Finals - 13 JuneFinals - 4 JulyCounty Championship Final Stages DrawOpenPrelim A MCCU 2 SCCU 3Prelim B NCCU 2 MCCU 3Quarter A NCCU 1 Prelim AQuarter B EACU 1 SCCU 2Quarter C Devon Prelim BQuarter D SCCU 1 MCCU 1Semi A Quarter C Quarter DSemi B Quarter A Quarter BMinor CountiesQuarter A EACU 1 HampshireQuarter B MCCU 1 EACU 2Quarter C SCCU 1 MCCU 2Quarter D Gloucester SCCU 2Semi A Quarter B Quarter ASemi B Quarter D Quarter CU175Quarter A EACU 1 NCCU 2Quarter B MCCU 1 SCCU 3Quarter C NCCU 1 SCCU 2Quarter D SCCU 1 MCCU 2Semi A Quarter C Quarter DSemi B Quarter B Quarter AU150Prelim A SCCU 2 MCCU 3Prelim B EACU 2 SCCU 3Prelim C Devon MCCU 2Quarter A EACU 1 NCCU 2Quarter B SCCU 1 Prelim CQuarter C MCCU 1 Prelim BQuarter D NCCU 1 Prelim ASemi A Quarter D Quarter ASemi B Quarter B Quarter CU125Prelim A NCCU 2 MCCU 3Prelim B EACU 1 SCCU 3Prelim C Hampshire EACU 2Quarter A MCCU 1 Prelim CQuarter B SCCU 1 Prelim AQuarter C SCCU 2 MCCU 2Quarter D NCCU 1 Prelim BSemi A Quarter C Quarter BSemi B Quarter A Quarter DU100Prelim A SCCU 2 MCCU 3Prelim B EACU 2 SCCU 3Quarter A EACU 1 NCCU 2Quarter B MCCU 1 Prelim BQuarter C NCCU 1 Prelim AQuarter D SCCU 1 MCCU 2Semi A Quarter A Quarter CSemi B Quarter B Quarter DThe qualifiers will be listed on the ECF websiteas soon as they are known.CHESSMOVES – JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2009British Rapidplay29-30 November 2008The 2008 British Rapid play Chess took place in Halifax on November 29th and 30th. Withnearly four hundred entries the weekend saw some fine chess. A summary of the mainwinners is given as follows. For more detailed information visit the website (www.british-rapidplay.org.uk).Open Intermediate1st David Howell GM 10�½/11 = 1st Robert Hughes 9/11= 2nd Mark Hebden GM 8�½/11 Adrian Archer-Lock 9/11Jonathan Hawkins FM 8�½/11Major Minor= 1st Guy Batchelor 8�½/11 1st Andrew Cowan 9/11Mark Talbot 8�½/11England Under 11 Trial Junior Champions (Sunday)= 1st James Walsh 5/6 Francesca Fozard U16 3�½/5Anna Wang 5/6 Alex Harris U12 4�½/5Alexei Davis 5/6 Joris Gerlagh U10 4�½/5Ravi Haria 5/6 Conor Murphy U10 4�½/5Coverage and all the top games from the Open are on www.british-rapidplay.org.uk. Thetop eight Open boards were transmitted live.Grandmasters David Howell(fresh from theOlympiad),Mark Hebden,Stewart Haslinger and Keith Arkell ,to name but four, were allthere.Pete Wells GM ,the 2007 champion was unfortunately not present.Harriet Hunt WGMwas also there.On the first day David Howell started to show commanding form.Despitethe cold weather and fog,the chess was hot as David strode into the lead.Only Keith ArkellGM could hold the young grandmaster.Meanwhile in the under 11 England Qualifier Ravi Haria was showing the form which wonthe event in 2007.Andrew Garside had a straight eight wins in the Minor event. By theevening David Howell GM led in The Open on 5.5 out of 6 points. Sunday saw that thefog had gone. Leeds United football team got beat 1-0 by Histon.Was this to be the dayof the H’s?But which one?Howell ,Hebden,or Hawkins ?In round eight Jonathan HawkinsFM made a strong but unsuccessful attempt to unseat David.David finished strongly withseveral wins , and before the final round, he knew he was home and dry. Mark Hebden GMgrinded out the key final rounds and got joint second with Jonathon Hawkins FM.This win by David Howell GM is significant as the highest score in the Tournamentsmodern era history. Only Nigel Short in 1986 with 11/11 has done better. The gracious newyoung champion had done it in style. Once again the weekend was dominated by manyupcoming juniors, and many sections saw some real chess talent. My personal thanks toall the Controllers, Administrators, Helpers etc, and above all , the chess players who madethis a successful weekendB. Kitson Tournament Co-ordinator4STOP PRESS . . . STOP PRESS . . . STOP PRESS . . . STOP PRESS . . . STOP PRESS . . . STOP PRESSChess for SchoolsStatement from Chris Majer ECF CEODavid Anderton and myself had a meeting with Henning von Spreckelsen (Executive Chairman) andKeith Elliott (Technical Sales Manager) of Holloid Plastics last week. Following the meeting, I receivedthe following communication. I trust that this provides satisfactory clarification of the status of theCfS project and, in particular, confirms the commitment of Holloid Plastics.Dear Chris and David,It was a pleasure meeting you both at the IET earlier thisweek to discuss the chess set project. This email is just tosummarise the meeting.we can then use round tubes to store the entire board andpieces. Holloid has started the sourcing process of thesetubes and look forward to your input on the board sourcingand guidance on some of the text that we put on the reverseof the boards, regarding the history of chess.Acquisition of HolloidI bought majority control of Holloid late last year, followingabout 4 months of due diligence. As I mentioned on Monday,during this time the company had confidentiality obligationsabout the purchase process which has obviously affectedwhat they were able to communicate to the outside world.We appointed a PR firm to act for the company yesterdayand they have confirmed that they will also work on thischess project for us. A formal press release for our customers,regarding the acquisition, will be issued next week and I willhave a copy forwarded to you.ECF ResponsibilitiesECF will be responsible for arranging distribution of the setsfrom Holloid to the schools. We anticipate that this wouldstart during the school summer term, most likely in May.Final confirmation of the number of pallets of sets to bedelivered per week will depend on the way in which wepackage the sets. Once this is confirmed we can then workout the number of truck movements, etc. Phase 1 will beto deliver 100,000 sets to the first 10,000 schools who havesigned up. We will then together review the process andwork on Phase 2.Personal Support for the ChessProjectLaunch LocationThis project offers me an ideal opportunity to“give somethingback” for the support I have had from others in the pastand believe it is an ideal way to promote “brain games” inschools.We agreed that the first school to receive its sets wouldbe in Basingstoke and the first county to launch would beHampshire. We can then also arrange some of the initialdistribution using our own transport, which should makethe launch organisation easier for ECF as we start the Phase1 process.What Holloid Will DoHolloid will arrange for the manufacture of the sets in ourfactory and work to arrange the relevant sponsorship andsupport to add to our considerable existing financial andnon financial contributions to the project to date. Keith Elliothas been appointed as project coordinator on our side andthis work has already started. Any potential sponsors shouldbe directed to talk to him in the first instance.The idea is that the sets would be produced free of chargeto the ECF – to be handed over at our factory gate.ECF SalesThere may be demand from private individuals for thesesets, over and above any sets sent directly to the schools.Holloid can arrange for the extra sets to be made for theECF at cost, so that the ECF could sell them through theirwebsite or whatever method you deem appropriate. We candiscuss the detail of this nearer the time. I look forward toour next meeting.Design of the SetsYours sincerely,HenningWe have agreed this week that we will go for a roll up board,to allow for some text to go on the back covering: the historyof chess, the project itself and sponsors’ logos. This will notonly allow for colour print to be used and more informationto be given (compared to the previous idea of monochromeengraving of the squares on the front of a rigid board), butalso provide a practical storage method for the schools, asCHESSMOVES – JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2009ECF 2009 YEARBOOKNow AvailableTo order your copy please go towww.englishchess.org.ukor ring 01424 7752225
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