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//-->Editorial PrefaceTable of ContentsEditorial PrefaceTwo best games of the past weekYoung & TalentedPuzzle sectionEndgame sectionGolden knowledgeChess and the City.Where does the buck stop?Surprise section / studySolutionsArkadij Naiditsch & Csaba BaloghA lot of opens have been taking place, but the strongestone was probably the Politiken Cup. A er a big fight and astrangely quiet and peaceful last round, a total of playersshared first place. The best on tiebreak was Markus Ragger,followed by Nisipeanu and Hammer.Another big open is under way in Vlissingen, but here justrounds out of have been played and all the favorites are onthe top, so the last rounds will be decisive.The Turkish league is also under way, with top players like So,Mamedyarov and Harikrishna are taking part.In the British Chess Championship where David Howell wasthe clear favorite, a er out of rounds four people are inthe lead: Howell, Pert, Gormally and Hawkins. It is going to bea very exciting last round!Very soon we will be able to watch the extremely strongRussian Super Final amongst men and women.We hope you enjoy the games and articles from the currentissue!www.chess-newsletter.comChess Evolution BooksFrom the creators of the ”Top GM Secrets” newsletter:Please click on the images of the covers or visitChess-Evolution.comfor a detailed description of the products and prices in $.www.chess-newsletter.comTwo best games of the past week...aThe main move. Black is waiting for a to take on d ,while a is clearly a useful move.( ) Williams, Simon K(- Howell, David W L(nd ch-GBR. .( . ),)) [E ]GM Arkadij NaiditschBest rating:We should not look at the rating of Simon Williams, who is amuch stronger player than he o en shows. Simon is famousfor his ultra aggressive style and a lot of great victories withbright combinations. I still remember his fantastic win overBoris Gelfand with the black pieces in the Stonewall. In thecurrent game, it seemed like Simon was once again goingto crush a much higher rated oponnent, but things wentdi erently. In a very promising position White just wantedto play too prettily, which led to the loss of more and morematerial and finally resignation. A sad end to a very beautifulgame..dNf.c e.NfBb+I like to play ...Bb as well.Bd , which seems to be.NbdAnother option isconsidered the main move..Nb !?I like this move, even if I would probably never playit. Usually White continues with .Qc . The idea of the movein the game is simple, to get the knigh to a much better squareon c and there is also the direct threat to play c and catchthe bishop on b ....BeA logical move. [White’s idea is visible a er ...h.c ! a The only move to save the bishop. .a and Whitewins the a pawn.].ReWhite continues keeping his ideas "uncovered", whichis smart! [ .Nc doesn’t lead anywhere since a er ...Ne !the exchange of the knights is very important for Black here.He should never allow White to play d or e .]...QcThis move is a bit too deep for me... [ ...Na looksmuch more natural. ].d !A very strong move! White sacrifices a pawn -whichis quite typical in this kind of structures- but this move stillclearly came as a surprise for Black....exdBlack needs to take the pawn because if he doesn’t,White will play e ..cxdWith which piece to take now?!...b .g[Black’s idea is visible a er .a ...Bxd + .QxdBbWhite has the bishop pair, but Black is very solid with agreat bishop on b . It is a slightly passive line but for thosewho don’t like forced lines and like to keep the game calm,this is clearly not a bad choice.]...Bb .Bg O-O .O-OWhite is trying to save a tempo onplaying a .www.chess-newsletter.com...Bxd[It would make no di erence to play ...NxdNfsince we are back to the position of the game.].eOf course!.e...cHowell black the Bg , which is logical..Qh d...Bxe ?!and what Howell does here is just incredibly riskyto say the least! [Black should have continued with ...Bb.eNdand of course Black’s position looks very risky, butWhite still needs to prove that there is some compensation forthe pawn. .Ng ! A strong move! White is going for the blackking. ...Nb (...Bxg .BxgNband now White has thevery strong.Bf !and Black is in big danger.) .NeNaWith a very fighting position.].RxeNot a bad move, but there was no need for it atall. [A er the simpler .Nc...d.Nxe dxe.NgWhite wins back the e pawn and clearly has more than justcompensation.]...Nxe.QdThe rook on a is hanging....Nxg.hxgSo Black has pawns and a rook forWhite’s pieces, an interesting constellation. White’s ideais clear, to get the pieces in the attack on the black king,while Black should try to reach a solid position or even anengdgame in the best case..BhI am not sure if this move was really needed. [Whitecould also have continued with .Nc...Nd.Ndfollowed by Nf , with very unclear play.]...QbThe black queen has a passive position on b , but itwill still play a very important role..Bf ?!Now White is trying to rush things... [The positionwould still have been unclear a er .Nc ]...gThe only move..QhWhite wants to play Ng next....Re !A very strong defensive move! Black’s idea is toplay Bf next, chasing the white queen away from h . [Ofcourse not ...gxf ?? .NgBxg.Qxg +Kh.Qf +Kg.Bh and Black cannot avoid being mated on g .]www.chess-newsletter.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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