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//-->Downloaded fromwww.kirgoussios.comTHEGAMEALSO BY NEIL STRAUSSThe Long Hard Road Out of HellWITHMARILYNMANSONThe DirtPENETRATING T H E SECRETSOCIETY OF P I C K U P A R T I S T SHow to Make Love Like a Porn StarW I T H JENNAJAMESONDon't Try This at HomeWITHDAVENAVARRONeilStraussrrReganBooksAnImprantofHarperCollinsPwblishmrluCover silhouettes are from the following fonts:Darrian's Sexy SilhouettesbyODarrian(http://~estw~od.fortunecity.com/cerruti//),SubevebySub Communications(http://www.subtitude.com),NorpIcons1andNorpIcons2byODJ Monkeyboy-"The Randall Knife": Words and Music by Guy ClarkO1983 EM1 APRIL MUSIC INC. andGSC MUSIC. All Rights Controlled and Administered by EM1 APRIL MUSIC INC.AURightsReserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission.In order to protect the identity of some women and members of thecommunity,the names and 1dentlelng character~stics a small number ofincidentalofcharacters ~nthls book have been changed, and three mlnor characters arecomposites.THEGAME................................................All r~ghtsreserved Prtnted In the Unlted States of America.No part of this book may be used or reproduced In any manner whatsoeverwithout wrltten permlsslon except In the case of brlefquotationsembodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, addressHarperCollins Publishers Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New York,NY10022.HarperCollins books may be purchased for educational,business, or sales promotional use. For information please write:Special Markets Department, HarperCollins Publishers Inc.,10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022.FIRSTE D I T I O NArtdtrectzonand deszgnbyMzchelle Ishay/&chard LjoenesCover destgn by &chard LjoenesIntenor destpbyKns Tablassen/ &chard LjoenesIntenor tllustrattonsbyBernard ChangPrinted on acid-free paperLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for.ISBN 0-06-055473-805 06 07 08 09 RRD 10987 6 5 4 3 2
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