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//-->Editorial PrefaceTable of ContentsEditorial PrefaceTwo best games of the past weekYoung & TalentedPuzzle sectionEndgame sectionGolden knowledge. Legendary endings - partSurprise section / studySolutionsThe big boss of Polish chess is Radek Wojtaszek and he provesit once again by convincingly winning the Polish IndividualChampionship, with a very good result of . / . Just half apoint behind, in second place, we find Kasper Piorun, whowon overELO points in the past two years.The Asian Team Championship was won by the Chinese in thewomen’s section and surprisingly by the team of India in theopen section.The Norway Chess super tournament will begin next week andwe can be very excited about the whole event, but especiallyabout the participation of the current World Championhimself, Magnus Carlsen.There are also big matches to come in the German Bundesliga,where for the first time inyears Solingen might stop therush of the chess club from Baden-Baden.We wish you all a great weekend and we hope you enjoy thecurrent issue.Arkadij Naiditsch & Csaba Baloghwww.chess-newsletter.comChess Evolution BooksFrom the creators of the ”Top GM Secrets” newsletter:Please click on the images of the covers or visitChess-Evolution.comfor a detailed description of the products and prices in $.www.chess-newsletter.comChess Evolution BooksFrom the creators of the ”Top GM Secrets” newsletter:Please click on the images of the covers or visitChess-Evolution.comfor a detailed description of the products and prices in $.www.chess-newsletter.comTwo best games of the past week( ) Tomczak, Jacek ()- Duda, Jan Krzysztof (ch-POL. .( . ),the b pawn would be favorable for White, but the drawbackis...Nb !forcing Black to give up his strong bishop otherwisehe drops the d pawn.) [B]GM Csaba BaloghBest rating:A very interesting fighting game with many intuitive sacrifices.The young Polish prodigy manages to outplay his opponent inthe wild complications..e c .Nf dNajdorf Sicilian..Be e.NbBe.d cxd.fNbd.NxdNf.Qd b.Nc aThe.BxbQxb.Bc ?!White clearly mixes up the moveorder. [White should start with .a and only a er ...Qbwhen the d pawn is hanging, protect it with .Bc The oldmain move was ...Be here, but the latest best according tothe theory is ...g.RaRb.QdRa.QdRbAfamous repetition with hundreds of draws in the database,here or in the ...Be position. If White wants to playon .Nc h.Na wins a pawn, but Black gets hugecompensation...Bh.QxbQa.Qc O-O Whitecannot castle and he is really missing the dark squared bishop..NbRb]...Be.aQc!?Duda shows great intuitions. Insteadof transposing into the main line with ...Qb , he sacrificeshis b pawn in order to take over the initiative in thedevelopment..Qxb O-OA er leaving from the Qa check, Black isthreatening with Rab . The white pieces are discoordinated.The bishop needs to defend the d pawn, the queen needs todefend the bishop, all pieces are pinned to another..NdWhite tries to replace the task of the queen with a lessvaluable piece. It is very logical of course, but it also has adrawback, that it leaves the king in the center. [ .O-O couldhave well met by ...Rab.QaRfcand one of the pawnsfall from the d , c or b . Bxa is indirectly protected by Qacheck.]...Rfb[ ...Rab looked more natural to place the rookson the opened files instead of locking it to a . .QaQa.aIf somebody follows the opening theory of this line, thatcould be really excited here. Around - years ago, this wasthe main line with hundreds of games on the highest level,however in the last few years it is completely gone from thepractice. Let us see what happens when the new generationturns back to an old weapon......b.NdBxd.exdThis exchange a er weakeningwww.chess-newsletter.com
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