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When you first turn on you computer (BEFORE DIALING INTO YOUR ISP),open a MS-DOS Prompt window (start/programs MS-DOS Prompt).Then type netstat -arn and press the Enter key.Your screen should display the following (without the dotted lineswhich I added for clarification).-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Active Routes:Network Address Netmask Gateway Address Interface Metric127.0.0.0 1255.255.255.255 1Route TableActive ConnectionsProto Local Address Foreign Address State--------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you see anything else, there might be a problem (more on that later).Now dial into your ISP, once you are connected;go back to the MS-DOS Prompt and run the same command as beforenetstat -arn, this time it will look similar to the following (withoutdotted lines).-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Active Routes:Network Address Netmask Gateway Address Interface Metric0.0.0.0 1127.0.0.0 1216.1.104.0 1216.1.104.70 1216.1.104.255 1224.0.0.0 1255.255.255.255 1Route TableActive ConnectionsProto Local Address Foreign Address StateTCP LISTENINGTCP LISTENINGTCP LISTENINGTCP LISTENINGUDP *:*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------What you are seeing in the first section (Active Routes) under the heading ofNetwork Address are some additional lines. The only ones that should be thereare ones belonging to your ISP (more on that later). In the second section(Route Table) under Local Address you are seeing the IP address that your ISPassigned you (in this example numbers are divided into four dot notations, the first three should bethe same for both sets, while in this case the .70 is the unique numberassigned for THIS session. Next time you dial in that number will more thanlikely be different.To make sure that the first three notation are as they should be, we will runone more command from the MS-DOS window.From the MS-DOS Prompt type tracert /www.yourispwebsite.com or .netor whatever it ends in. Following is an example of the output you should see.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tracing route to /www.motion.net []over a maximum of 30 hops:1 128 ms 2084 ms 102 ms chat-port.motion.net []2 115 ms 188 ms 117 ms chat-core.motion.net []3 108 ms 116 ms 119 ms www.motion.net []Trace complete.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You will see that on lines with the 1 and 2 the first three notations of theaddress match with what we saw above, which is a good thing. If it does not,then some further investigation is needed.If everything matches like above, you can almost breath easier. Another thingwhich should you should check is programs launched during startup. To findthese, Click start/programs/startup, look at what shows up. You should beable to recognize everything there, if not, once again more investigation isneeded.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now just because everything reported out like we expected (and demonstratedabove) we still are not out of the woods. How is this so, you ask? Do you useNetmeeting? Do you get on IRC (Internet Relay Chat)? Or any other programthat makes use of the Internet. Have you every recieved an email with anattachment that ended in .exe? The list goes on and on, basically anythingthat you run could have become infected with a trojan. What this means, isthe program appears to do what you expect, but also does just a little more.This little more could be blasting ebay.com or one of the other sites thatCNNlive was talking about.What can you do? Well some anti-virus software will detect some trojans.Another (tedious) thing is to start each of these "extra" Internet programsone at a time and go through the last two steps above, looking at the routesand connection the program uses. However, the tricky part will be figuringout where to tracert to in order to find out if the addresses you see instep 2 are "safe" or not. I should forewarn you, that running tracert aftertracert, after tracert might be considered "improper" by your ISP. The stepsoutlined above may not work exactly as I have stated depending upon your ISP,but with a true ISP it should work. Finally, this advise comes with NOwarranty and by following my "hints' you implicitly release me from ANY andALL liability which you may incur.Other optionsDisplay protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.Netstat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-s] [-p proto] [-r] [intervals]-a.. Display all connections and listening ports.-e.. Display Ethernet statistics. This may be combined with the -s option.-n.. Diplays address and port numbers in the numerical form.-p proto..Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto may beTCP or UDP. If used with the -s option to display per-protocol statistics,proto may be TCP, UDP, of IP.-r.. Display the routing table.-s.. Display per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for TCPUDP and IP; the -p option may be used to specify a subset of the defaultinterval..Redisplay selected statistics, pausing intervals seconds between eachdisplay. If omitted. netstat will print the current configuration informationonce [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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