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//-->March / April 2007NEWSLETTER OF THE ENGLISH CHESS FEDERATION£1.50The Rt. Hon. Tessa JowellAttends Dulwich Junior RapidplayThe KJCA (Kent Junior Chess Association) held its annual Dulwich Junior Rapidplayat Dulwich College on Sunday 4 March. The tournament was organised by AnitaVoropayev. We were fortunate that The Rt. Hon. Tessa Jowell, MP for Dulwich and WestNorwood, Secretary of State for Culture, the Media and Sport and Minister for theOlympics was available to present the prizes at the end. These were not only prizesfor success in the tournament but also awards for passing ECF Certificate of Excellenceexams at our February sitting. She is pictured above with some of those who receivedprizes and awards, along with IM Bob Wade OBE, the KJCA’s Chief Arbiter, and theundersigned in front of ‘Shackleton’s Boat’.She was very well received by children andparents alike and made some very positivecomments about chess to the assembledgathering and privately to a few of usafterwards. She feels that there is scope fora major chess event, if not at the Olympicsthemselves, then associated with them intheir immediate aftermath.Melville Rodrigues, who has played a leadingrole in the ECF’s recent successful campaign atWestminster for chess clubs and associationsto have equal access with other sports bodiesto charitable status and the benefits therefrom,was present, as was Edward Ochagavia, whoruns the nearby Carnegie Chess Club at HerneHill but who also has first-hand knowledge ofthe state support available to chess in Russiaand the former USSR. The three of us were ableto discuss with her afterwards the potentialfor chess to be recognized as a sport. Sheindicated that in principle she would supportinitiatives reaching Westminster to this end.She feels that it would be realistic to considerthat such recognition would take about 3years to achieve provided chess bodies takepositive steps towards this goal during thisperiod. She advised us to initiate contactswith the Sports Schools Partnerships aroundthe country, suggesting that this would be thebest way to obtain Sport England’s supportfor chess’ case at Westminster.The Sports Schools Partnerships receivefunding both from Sport England and Tessa’sMinistry. Following up the contacts she gaveus afterwards, Melville and I found that thereare many of these all over the country. Forexample, there are 13 in our home area of Kentand south-east London alone. Contacts are atan early stage but it seems that, for example, itmay be feasible for County Junior Associationsto negotiate the provision of budgets toenable schools to finance the creation ofnew chess clubs by covering expenditure onequipment and coaching. This could lead to asubstantial upsurge in participation at grassroots’ level. This would permeate through toSport England, providing the impetus for themto support chess’ case at Westminster. The ECFwill now be looking at how to progress thisnationally.Returning to the tournament, there was anexcellent turnout of 141 children not onlyfrom the local longstanding Dulwich hotbedof Kent junior chess but also from aroundthe rest of Kent and south-east London, fromthe neighbouring counties of Essex, London,Surrey and Sussex and from as far afield asHampshire and Hertfordshire. The sectionwinners were: Under 18: William Jones(Lewisham CC); Under 14: Eugene Daley(Dulwich) and Sheila Dines (Sanderstead);Under 11: Nicholas Clanchy (Balham) andUnder 9: Alexei Davis (Mottingham). TheSchool Prize was won by Dulwich CollegePrep School. 22 children received awards forpassing ECF Certificate of Excellence exams (6in the Bronze, 12 in the Silver, 3 in the Goldand 1 in the Platinum).The Dulwich tournament is the 5th in thisseason’s Kent Junior Grand Prix. The GrandPrix leaders after 5 rounds are: Under 18: LyallBayliss (Crowborough CC); Under 14: WilliamJones; Under 11: Jasdeep Gahir (LewishamCC) and Under 9: Alexei Davis. The leadersin the School Grand Prix after 5 rounds are:Secondary: Beths Grammar School, Bexleyand Primary: Dulwich College Prep School.The Grand Prix now moves on to TunbridgeWells on Sunday 6 May for the 6th round outof 8.Peter Bayliss, KJCAEditorialAs I write, the office is being updated tobroadband, with minimal disruption thanksto our two much appreciated techies BruceHolland and David Thomas.More good news on the National Library, UCHintends to employ a professional to cataloguethe collection.We have a contingent of 18 playersrepresenting England at the EuropeanIndividual Championships in Dresden from2-16 April.Less positive is the passing of Roy Woodcock,another wonderful man lost to chess.Dear Chess Friends,ECF NewsMessage from Gerry Walsh, ECF PresidentI am writing to inform you about an opportunity to improve the status of chess throughoutBritain.A petition has been put onto the Prime Ministers website seeking the recognition of all MindSports as a Sport. The link is provided below. David Anderton is at present working on a detailedsubmission to the department responsible for recognition at Sport England and the closingdate is March 31st. The English Bridge Union will also submit an application. ECF would liketo demonstrate how many people support the campaign so I am asking you all to sign up tothe petition by following the simple instructions on the site. Please do this as soon as possible.Please also pass this message to anyone you know who has an interest in any of the many Boardgames that are played today. The issue is really quite simple, the recognition that Mind Sportsand Physical Sports should have equal status in a modern society. We are all conversant with thecomment ‘a healthy Mind and a healthy Body’.Please go to this website to sign the petition http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Mindsports/Yours sincerely,Gerry Walsh, President English Chess FederationCynthia Gurney, EditorStop PressMajor new English Prize for the BritishChampionships. The English Chess Federationis delighted to announce that a major newsponsor has been found for an EnglishNational Chess Championship.An initial donation of £10,000 has now beenpaid to the federation and similar paymentswill be made in subsequent years. Inaccordance with the sponsor’s wishes, £2,000will be made available for English prizeswithin the British Championship (£1,500 forthe leading English man, £500 for the leadingEnglish woman) with the surplus put into thePermanent Invested Fund. It is anticipatedthat the English prizes will increase each year,and the sum within the Permanent InvestedFund will also increase, until it is sufficient forthe ECF to launch a sustainable stand-aloneEnglish Championship with a significant prizefund. The donor wishes to remain anonymous,but is new to chess sponsorship.David Welch, Manager of Congress Chess,described the donation as “exceptionallygenerous”. “This individual has committedmajor funds to a project which the ECF haslong desired. It is fantastic news.”Chief Executive Martin Regan also welcomedthe sponsorship : “Although the searchfor a sponsor for the British continues, it isvery welcome news that such a major newsponsor has been found for a future EnglishChampionship. I know the person involvedand their modesty is matched only by theirgenerosity.”ECF Council MeetingThe next ECF Council Meeting will be on 28 April 2007 at the Ibis Hotel Birmingham. Councilpapers for delegates will be sent out shortly.Grading NewsSix-Monthly Grading List –A six-monthly rapidplay list was produced in January. This was asuccess in that more than 90% of events were received by the deadline. I didn’t receive a singlecomment on the list, which I actually considered to be a sign of success. When things go wrong,my in-box fills up with email! On the basis of the success of the rapidplay list, the ECF Boarddetermined that a proposal should be brought to Council to also produce six-monthly standardplay lists. If adopted this would mean that Grades would be published in July and January.More frequent grades are beneficial for juniors and perhaps congresses. They do however createissues for winter league, since a league may not wish to change grading lists in mid season. Forthis reason, Council may determine to continue with annual grading lists for standard play andsix-monthly lists for rapidplay.In bringing a proposal to Council, the ECF Board is conscious that six-monthly standard playgrades can only work if they are supported by the leagues and in particular their graders. Itwould be necessary for graders to submit a batch of results at the mid-season point. This plainlyhas significant implications for the league and the graders in particular. A consultation exercisewith the graders is underway. The results of this exercise will be reported to Council as part ofthe proposal. I would suggest that if you have views on this proposal you should contact yourECF delegate for your local league.Grading Forum –An ECF Grading Forum will be appearing shortly. Watch out on the ECFwebsite for an announcement.Chris Majer, Manager of Grading and RatingContentsDulwich Junior Rapidplay . . . . . . . . . . . . FCECF News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 3History of Chess in Hastings . . . . . . . . . . . 3International News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 5BWCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Junior News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 7Book Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Littlewood’s Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 10Results Round-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12ECF AppointmentsMr Chris Majer, the acting director of Home Chess, has been appointed as Director of HomeChess. Mr Andrew Moore has been appointed as Counties Championship Controller.Copy Deadline 10th May 2007Contact the ECF Office for further details 01424 775222CHESSMOVES – MARCH / APRIL 2007ECF CLUB AND CONGRESS INSURANCEFOR 2007NOW AVAILABLEHarry Potter SetGives English Chess a BoostThe English Chess Federation has warmly welcomedthe launch of the Harry Potter chess set, whichwill be built up through a unique part-work series,Harry Potter: The Step-by-step chess manual.The ECF believes the launch and the subsequentpublicity will lead to a major growth in interest in chessamong a new generation of UK juniors. Marketingmaterial surrounding the launch will direct interestedparties to contact the Federation.The ECF has been involved in detailed discussions with thepublisher’s agents over the past few months, in the run upto the launch, and has developed advanced plans to meetthe expected demand for chess materials and information.Gerry Walsh, President of the English Chess Federation comments,“My colleagues and I are delighted to see this product launchin the UK. When Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone firstopened in cinemas, we received a phenomenal number of newenquiries from children wanting to know where they could learnto play chess. We hope that The Harry Potter Chess Manual will beinstrumental in introducing the game to many more.”Martin Regan ECF Chief executive said: “The Federation willgain enormous publicity as a result of this launch which has thepotential to hugely increase the demand for chess starter productsand coaching information. The ECF is the obvious starting pointfor those who wish to build on their new knowledge of ourwonderful game.”The History of Chessin HastingsHastings is widely regarded as the home of chess in Englandand this was reflected by a fascinating lecture which tookplace at the University Centre Hastings on Monday 1February.The event was hosted by Gerry Walsh, President of the English ChessFederation, who gave an account of his personal experiences ofattending the Hastings International Congress – a very important datein the chess calendar.Gerry’s accounts of his experiences showed great commitment tothe tournament, that he had been attending for an amazing 40 years.Often humorous anecdotes gave a unique account of the history of thechess tournament and Gerry’s fondness for the town of Hastings wasevident.Behind the historic message of the event was a look to the future ofchess in Hastings and the importance that it has for the community.In March 2006 UCH found a magnificent new home for the NationalChess Library, a collection of over 6,000 books from the English ChessFederation.Gerry Walsh said: ‘The whole chess world knows about Hastings. It’s adream come true for the chess library to have found a home at UCH’.The collection is now in the process of being cataloged and followingan official opening, the library will offer access to the public.News Release from De Agostini:Harry Potter™ Film InspiresGround-Breaking New Chess SetA major new initiative with the potential to create a huge upsurgein junior interest in chess has been announced.It is the launch of a Harry Potter themed chess set which is backedby a huge marketing campaign and endorsed by the English ChessFederation. Published each week, this easy-to-follow players’guide is accompanied by a piece of the chess set, building into astunning, interactive replica of the final chess battle scene in thefilm Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone™.The set will be available through a unique part work called HarryPotter: step by step chess manual. It is published by De Agostini,publishers of popular children’s partworks collections, includingScooby-Doo™ World of Mystery and Star Wars™.Muffin ClubCharity CongressOn Monday 12th February at the Robert de Mortain Pub on the Ridge,Hastings, the local Charity Muffin Club held its increasingly popularAnnual Chess Tournament organised by Muffin Club member BobGurney and Con Power (local tournament organiser). The tournamentwas well attended with a high standard of chess. Overall winners werebrothers Ram Mohan and Shyam Mohan.NOW AVAILABLE THE2007 CHESS CATALOGUEContact the BCM Chess Shop foryour copy on 020 7486 8222or emailbcmchess@compuserve.comCHESSMOVES – MARCH / APRIL 2007InternationalNews9th European Senior Team Championshipin Dresden 16-4 February 007The top three team were all from Russia. England fieldedthree teams in this four board nine round team tournament.The second team had five players in total.England 1, ranked 18 finished 21 with 10 match points (2 for a win and1 for a draw) and 19.5 game points.David Anderton (captain) 4/9Geoff James 4.5/9Tim Pelling 5/9James Scholes 6/9England 2, ranked 28 finished 24 with 10 match points and 17.5 gamepoints.Bob Wade 3/8Mike Singleton 3.5/7Alan Crombleholme 3/7Ivor Smith 3.5/7John Feavyour (captain) 4.5/7England 3, ranked 45 finished 50 with 5 match points and 13 gamepoints.John Rety 3.5/9Peter Wilson (captain) 2/9 and overall team leaderClive Pemberton 3.5/9Peter Wood 4/9The 10th European Seniors Chess Team Championship will be held inDresden in the same venue in February 2008.Stewart Reubenfirst GM norm. Jovanka Houska (England) and Antoaneta Stefanova(Bulgaria) 6/9 each received £3000 for the top women’s prizes.Jovanka also received a £1000 rating prize. She was talking of usingGibraltar as a tax haven. The prize money reserved to female playersis probably the highest in the world, apart from the actual Women’sWorld Championship. The Seniors prizes were shared between ViktorKorchnoi (Switzerland) and Nils-Ake Malmdin (Sweden 5/9 each £1000.Dronavalli Harika (India), David Howell (England) and Kateryna Lahno(Ukraine) 5½ each £333 for the Under-18 Prize. The £1000 Best GamePrize was shared unusually between Emil Sutovsky, Alon Greenfeld(Israel), Alain Dekker (South Africa and Iweta Rajlich.Jovanka HouskaDavid HowellChallengers A for players rated under 2200 was won by Lars Andreassenwith 4½/5. B was won by Odin Blikra Vea with 5/5. He also received thebest combined prize of £2000, while Andreassen got a further £1000.These rating prizes are unquestionably the highest outside the US.Amateur A Under 1800 Russell Goodfellow, Ken Millward, BrendanO’Gorman 4/5 each £667. Amateur B Klaus Kuenitz 4½ £1000.In all £71,000 prize money was distributed. There were 304 tournamententries, some people playing both in the morning and afternoontournaments. 44 nationalities were represented in the event.The event was much more than just a chess tournament. StuartConquest commentated live on the games in the Masters, especially onthe Internet; there were two pairs blitz tournaments; leading players,together with an audience, analysed the games of lesser players; therewere opening and closing receptions; an arbiters seminar; and evenpoker master classes. All this and the weather was considerably warmerthan England at this time of year.Full details of all their results and all the games can be found onwww.gibraltarchesscongress.comStewart ReubenWinton CapitalBritish Chess Solving ChampionshipThe latest WCBCSC is now over, the final having taken place on 17February at Oakham School. The final results table is available atwww.bstephen.freeuk.com/0607/final.html. Most of the problemsused, and their solutions, can be found at www.bstephen.freeuk.com/0607/finalproblems.html. The British Championship was won, forthe fourth time, by double (otb and solving) GM John Nunn. The OpenChampionship was won by current World Solving Championship GMPiotr Murdzia from Poland.Brian StephensonA special mention also to English IM Bellin Robert who beat thelegendary Viktor Korchnoi with black in Round 4 on Saturday.5th Gibtelecom Chess FestivalJanuary - 4 FebruaryThis was held in Gibraltar 23 January to 2 February 2007. There were fivemajor events, but principal among these was the 176 players Masterswhich was this year a nine round Open Swiss.Prizewinners:1st Vladimir Akopian 7½ £10,000. 2-4= AlexanderAreshchenko (Ukraine), Hikaru Nakamura (USA), Emil Sutovsky (Israel)7/9 each £4333. 5-17= Michael Adams (England), Mohamed Al-Modiahki(Qatar), Zahar Efimenko (Ukraine), Jaan Ehlvest (USA), Mikhail Gurevich(Turkey), Yuriy Kuzubov (Ukraine), Vadim Milov (Switzerland), MilosPavlovic (Serbia), Thomas Rendle (England), Robert Ris (Netherlands),Chanda Sandipan (India), Ivan Sokolov (Netherlands) 6½ each £550,but some got higher rating prizes.In all 33 grandmasters participated, but only Rendle and Ris are notGMs. Thomas received £2000 for his rating prize; he also scored hisViktor KorchnoiIM Robert Bellin(15) Viktor Korchnoi (69) - IM Robert Bellin (81) [A84]Gibtelecom Masters (4.15), 6.01.0071.d4 f5 2.c4 Nf6 3.Nc3 e6 4.e3 d5 5.Nf3 c6 6.Ne5 Be7 7.f4 0–0 8.Be2 Nbd79.0–0 Nxe5 10.fxe5 Ne4 11.Nxe4 fxe4 12.Rxf8+ Bxf8 13.Bd2 Bd7 14.Bg4 b515.c5 a5 16.Qe1 g6 17.Qg3 Bg7 18.h4 Qe7 19.Qh3 h6 20.Rf1 a4 21.Qg3Ra7 22.Qe1 Qd8 23.Rf4 Bc8 24.Bh3 Bd7 25.Kf1 Bc8 26.Ke2 Kh7 27.Kd1Kg8 28.Qg3 Kh7 29.Be1 Qe7 30.Bg4 Qd8 31.Qh3 Qe7 32.Be2 Qd8 33.g4CHESSMOVES – MARCH / APRIL 20074Qe7 34.g5 h5 35.Qf1 Qe8 36.Bb4 Kg8 37.Kc2Bd7 38.Qd1 Bc8 39.Bd2 Bd7 40.Rf2 Bc8 41.Rg2Qf7 42.Qe1 Qd7 43.Qd1 Qf7 44.Be1 Bd7 45.Rf2Qe8 46.Rf4 Bc8 47.Bb4 Bd7 48.Kc3 Bc8 49.Qf1Bd7 50.Bd1 Bc8 51.b3 axb3 52.Bxb3 Bd7 53.a3Bc8 54.Qe1 Bd7 55.Rf2 Qa8 56.Kb2 Qd8 57.Bd1Be8 58.Rf4 Bd7 59.Be2 Be8 60.Bf1 Bd7 61.Bh3Bc8 62.Kb3 Qc7 63.Qg3 Qd8 64.Kc2 Qe7 65.Kd1Qd8 66.Ke2 Qe7 67.Kf2 Qd8 68.Kg1 Bd7 69.Kh2Qe8 70.Bf1 Bc8 71.Be2 Qd8 72.Rf1 Bd7 73.Rf6Bxf6 74.gxf6 Be8 75.Bxh5 Kh8 76.Bxg6 Bxg677.Qxg6 Rh7 78.Qg4 Qg8 79.Qh3 Rh5 80.Be1Rf5 81.Qg2 Qxg2+ 82.Kxg2 Rf3 83.Bf2 Kh784.Bg1 Kg6 85.Bf2 Kh5 86.Kg1 Kg4 87.Kg2 Kh588.Kg1 Kg6 89.Kf1 Kf7 90.Kg2 Rf5 91.Bg3 Rh592.Kh3 Rh8 93.Be1 Rg8 94.Kh2 Kg6 95.Ba5 Ra896.Bb4 Kh5 97.Kh3 Ra7 98.Kg3 Ra6 99.Kh3 Ra8100.Kg3 Rg8+ 101.Kh3 Rg1 102.Ba5 Rf1 103.Bd8 Rf3+ 104.Kg2 Kh6 105.Ba5 Kh5 106.Bd2Kxh4 107.Bc1 Kg4 108.Bd2 Rg3+ 109.Kh2 Rh3+110.Kg2 Rh7 111.Bc1 Ra7 112.Kf2 Ra4 113.Ke2b4 114.axb4 Rxb4 115.Kd2 Kf3 116.Kc2 Ke2117.Bd2 Rb7 118.Bc1 Rh7 119.Bd2 Rh2 120.Bc1Ke1+0–1Successful Relaunch ofBWCA ChampionshipEleven champions emerged at the British Women’s Chess Association (BWCA)National Girls’ Championships and Women’s Rapidplay in York during theweekend of 10th and 11th February, 007. Held in the unique Art Nouveausurroundings of the Elmbank Hotel, the event was opened by the Lord Mayor ofYork, Councillor Janet Hopton, who welcomed competitors from all over Britain.Quoted in the York Press, she said “It was lovely to see all these young womenplay chess…..Chess is a great way to exercise the brain. It is a fascinating game.”While the games were fiercely contested, it was striking how easily new friends were madeand how supportive the competitors were of each other. Thanks to the professionalismof International Arbiters Lara Barnes and Alex MacFarlane and Tournament Director PeterCloudsdale, the tournaments ran smoothly and efficiently. WGM Jovanka Houska and WIMHeather Richards provided coaching between rounds, a very popular feature. The Best GamePrize was awarded to Polly Lambert and the Chess Puzzle Competition was won by ApurvaDeshpande. The Friendly Tournament provided some fun for parents and brothers and wasmuch appreciated.This event was supported by the generosity of Peter Cloudsdale and York Junior Chess Club, theEnglish Chess Federation, the Elmbank Hotel, Mr. H. Lockwood, Mr. S. Benn, Mr. W. Pettigrew andChess Direct, which was of immense help in relaunching it so successfully.Scotland International WFM Amy Officer won the Women’s Rapidplay, just ahead of WFM MariaYurenok. Results of all the championships are as follows:BWCA Champions, 007Under 21 Joint Champions: Deepa Patel and Sophie SeeberUnder 16 Champion: Amy OfficerUnder 14 Champion: Abigail PritchardUnder 12 Champion: Ali RoyUnder 11 Joint Champions: Maya Haria and Iona RoseUnder 10 Champion: Amy HoareUnder 9 Champion: Katherine ShepherdUnder 8 Joint Champions: Fiona Howard and Cosima KeenSusan McFarland, BWCA Chief ExecutiveBraille ChessClock RequestThe Braille Chess Associationworks to further the interests of allvisually impaired chess players.We would be glad to hear fromanyone who thinks they might beable to help us develop anaccessible version of the digitalchess clock. Even if youcannot help yourself, but thinkyou know someone who could,we would like to hear from you.Please contact either David Hodgkins(Technical Subcommittee Chair)01926 425803, orthe Association’sSecretaryNorman Wragg01142 3059952007ECF YEARBOOKOrder your copy fromNow Available01424 775222the ECF OfficeThe Opening Ceremony – from left to right: Susan McFarland, CEO of the BWCA, The Lord Mayor of York, JanetHopton, David Hopton, the Lord Mayor’s Consort and WGM Jovanka HouskaCHESSMOVES – MARCH / APRIL 20075
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