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//-->CM MAGAZINE 124/1/0511:09 amPage 1January/February 2005NEWSLETTER OF THE BRITISH CHESS FEDERATION£1.5080th Hastings International Chess Congress28th December 2004 to 9th January 2005Above from left – Michael Foster MP, Gerry Walsh, Charles Clarke Home Secretary, Paul Smith and Con PowerBCF President Reports from HastingsI have been attending the Hastings International Congress since 1967 and at the present time I serve theCommittee as BCF Delegate.This year we were delighted to receive Charles Clarke as a most distinguished visitor, having been movedfrom Education to The Home Office appointments in Hastings and Dover made it possible for a personalvisit to be included.Mr Clarke spoke freely to members of the chess press and visited the playing facilities at Horntye Park. Hewas particularly impressed with use of the latest technology in the form of the digital boards and clockswhich were used to transmit the games live around the world.Mr Clarke then found time to have coffee with a number of guests and it was my pleasure to present himwith a few mementoes.More from Hastings on page 3.CM MAGAZINE 124/1/0511:09 amPage 2EditorialHappy New Year to all ofour Members. Thank youfor your continuingsupport. If you have anews item or anecdotethat you would like toappear in ChessMovessend them to me at theBCF Office.Cynthia GurneyBCF NewsPresidents Awards 2005The BCF invites nominations for itsPresidents Awards. The awards are madeannually for services to the game of Chess.Previous winners include BH Wood, TheBBC, Veteran IM Bob Wade and a host ofgrassroots players and organisers.Nominations should arrive by 8th April2005. Winners of the awards will beannounced at the BCF CAGM in October.BCF Delegate for SpecialCategory Direct MembersI have been elected as Delegate torepresent BCF Special Category (low-paidand unemployed) Direct Members. If anyMembers in that category have any matterwhich they would like me to raise with theBCF will they kindly contact me direct asfollows: Peter J B Wilson, 11 Clos deGibauderie, St. Peter Port, Guernsey,Channel Islands GY1 1XQ. Tel/Fax:0148171344, Email:pjw2004uk@yahoo.co.ukKindly note that although currentlyresiding in Guernsey I am in England veryoften.I am a Direct Member of the British ChessFederation and have no connection withany other Chess Federation. I have alsoplayed in 10 tournaments in England in2004.ContentsHastings International ....FC, 3-4BCF News ..................................2BCF Junior Director ..................3Batsford Competition ..............5BCF Awards................................5Junior News............................6-7Littlewood’s Choice ..................8Book Reviews ............................9Results Round-up ................9-11Congress Diary/Grand Prix ....12Club of the Year and SmallClub of the Year 2005The BCF is looking for submissions fromclubs that stand out from the rest andmake the members proud to belong to theclub.The submissions should detail the club’sparticipation in local leagues andcompetitions, but also cover how the clubencourages membership among groupsunder represented in the general chesspopulation, the contribution made to chesslocally and nationally, the activitiesorganised for juniors and disabled players,and comment on how the club interactswith schools and the local community.Please send the submission by 20th May2005.CRBThe BCF has obtained registration with theCRB as an umbrella body. A policystatement will be issued after theManagement Board Meeting of 29 January2005.BCF Magazine of the Year2005Nominations are invited for the 2005 BCFMagazine of the Year Award. The winnerlast year, the second recipient of theAward, was “En Passant” the magazine ofNorfolk County Chess Association. We arelooking for nominations from eitherreaders or editors of Chess magazines thatare produced by volunteersPlease send your nomination by 31stMarch 2005.TheNEWBCMCatalogueis nowavailablefromwww.bcmchess.co.ukEditorialTeamEditor:Cynthia GurneyAdvertising:Dawn ChalcraftHome ChessClever Cloks Products, who manufacture atime management system for companies,have kindly agreed to sponsor the NationalClub Handicap Rapidplay. This means thatthe prize money is £200, £100, £50. TheSponsors would prefer to see the handicapremain as it is, for this year.The Chess Shopor visit online atBCF Website of the Year2005Nominations are invited for the 2005 BCFWebsite of the Year Award. Last year’swinner, of the second such Award, waswww.clevelandchess.co.uk.We are seeking nominations for websitesrun by volunteers for the benefit of chessplayers both locally and nationally, so sendyour nomination by 31st March 2005.Please send all nominations to JohnWickham, 55 Shakespeare way, Taverham,Norwich, NR8 6SL or emailj.r.wickhm@btinternet.comOFFICIAL BCFYEARBOOK2005now availableplus £1.50 for p&pfor BCF Full Members (all categories)£11.50 for Standard & Junior Membersand £1.50 for non-MembersContact the BCF Office for more detailsTel 01424 775222 oremail: office@bcf.org.ukCHESSMOVES – JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2005FREECopy Deadline:10th March 20052CM MAGAZINE 124/1/0511:09 amPage 3Hastings International ChessCongress ReportThe main talking point in this year’s Hastings Congress was the new format for the Premier and Challengers. Leavingthe technical details aside (and there were several of these), this year’s format was that all the participants played aknockout in the first round, the losers going into the Challengers, the winners staying in the knockout. From roundtwo, there were in effect two separate events – the knockout and the Challengers. The two tournaments continuedside by side at the traditional rate of one round a day, with the losers in the knockout in each round transferring tothe Challengers. Hence the Challengers grew in size each day and the knockout halved in size each day.When the knockout reached the quarter-finals (i.e. eightplayers were left), then this became the Premier, whichcontinued as a knockout until the final between VladimirBelov (Russia) and Bartosz Socko (Poland), Belov emerging asthe winner.Below: MP Michael Foster; Vladimir Belov (Russia), winner of the Premier; Mayor, CllrPam Brown, with the Golombek Trophy.There were the usual fringe events in the evenings. StewartReuben’s pairs tournament at a local pub has now become aregular feature of the Hastings Congress. The ever popularblitz events, run by Paul Buswell and Marc Bryant, have longbecome an integral part of the Hastings Congress. This yearwe even had a chess quiz, again at a local pub, whichseemed to be enjoyed by the participants.A highlight of this year’s Congress was a visit by the newHome Secretary, Charles Clarke. He is a chess enthusiast (itwas his father who devised the current BCF grading system).On the last day of the Premier and Challengers he took timeout from an official engagement in Hastings to spend about40 minutes at the venue at Horntye Park. He played two minigames firstly against Petr Marusenko from the Ukraine (adraw agreed after about ten moves) and secondly against thecurrent Russian women’s champion Elmira Mirzoeva (again adraw was quickly agreed). Then over coffee the Congressorganisers had an interesting discussion with him about thestatus of Hastings in the world of chess and about the statusof chess as a sport.One final note. Last year we introduced a rule that any playerwhose mobile phone rang during play would forfeit thatgame. There were no instances then. But this year we hadour first infringement, when a player’s mobile phone rangand his game was declared lost. I am sure that the proprietorof the local firm Mind Sports Ltd, won’t object if I mentionthis.Con PowerBelow: Home Secretary, Charles Clarke playing Elmira Mirzoev, the current Russianwomen’s champion.There were many players with misgivings about this format,which may partly explain why the numbers were down thisyear. Some were against the whole concept. Other criticismswere that the time advantage given to Black was tooadvantageous or that the minute added on after each movewas too much. However as the tournaments progressed wegot the impression that many of the participants were cominground in favour of the format. When we handed outquestionnaires towards the end of the ten days, we wereinterested to find that there was support among the majorityof the participants for the general concept (though with somecriticisms and suggestions on the details). So if we continuewith the system next year (and this has not been decided yet),there will some fine-tuning to consider. And we need topersuade the players who did not come this year that theformat is not just workable but produces more fighting chessthan in the traditional Premier all-play-all.The remaining tournaments were much the same as inprevious years. The tried and tested five-day events were wellsupported (both the morning and afternoon tournaments).And so was the final Weekend Congress.CHESSMOVES – JULY/AUGUST 20042005JANUARY/FEBRUARY3CM MAGAZINE 124/1/0511:09 amPage 4The best New Years Eve company an arbiter could have!First Trip toHastingsWhen my good friend andNorthumberland colleague, JohnTurnock, said that he wasn’t ableto ‘do’ Hastings this year I offeredmy services on the arbiting front. Ihave always wanted to go to Hastings, but having children and being away for afortnight at Christmas don’t really go together. The ‘kids’, however, are big enough tobe doing their own thing now, so off I went.My impression of the event was that it’s reputation as an ‘institution’ amongst arbiterswas well founded and the event had an atmosphere of its own. Having been on thecontrol team at The Smith & Williamson British Championships for 8 years, I expecteda similar structure, where arbiters would have their own sections, far from it, theHastings ‘team’ was just that, and everyone mucked in. I might add that it wasespecially due to the new format that we had even ‘seasoned’ International Arbitersreaching for the tournament rules at every turn!The most exciting part was definitely the play-offs in the knockout stage. In the 10minutes with a 10 second increment games I discovered I had a talent for writingdown blitz games, and was thereafter so employed in most rounds! Most weredecided by horrible blunders, but the consensus was that it was still the fairest tie-break system, players having both White and Black.I had only one contentious arbiting decision, and it wasn’t even about a position!When a ‘bye’ game was arranged between sections in the New Year Afternoon event,both players agreed to the game being graded before start of play, but the higherrated player changed his mind after the game was drawn, became upset that I upheldthe original agreement and appealed to the chief arbiter. Dave Welch, after carefuldeliberation, backed the game being graded. Phew!In general I found the event to be hard work but very enjoyable, and I loved the NewYear’s Eve toasting of the various nationalities at 9, 10 and 11 o’ clock as their NewYear started. A truly International event.A Message fromthe Director ofJunior Chess andEducationDear Chess Officials / Ladies andGentlemenMy name is Alan Ruffle and I haverecently taken over from Peter Turner asDirector of Junior Chess, the more I findout about the job the more I realise Idon’t know, I recognise that he will be ahard act to follow and in fairness not alot of what he was practising willchange.From the web I have found that thebelow list of event for which I amresponsible for organising ‘British’representation and in due course I willbe seeking your help in selecting ourvery best representatives.World Youth Championships 18th to30th July 2005 Belfort FranceEuropean Youth Championships 13th to24th September 2005 Budva, Serbia andMontenegroWorld Youth Under 16 Olympiad IndiaDTBF Glorney and Faber Cups-Enquiriesinto this one were very interesting-thereis no information what so ever, I dugfurther only to find that the person whois supposed to be organising it is me!It is my intention to cultivate a youngplayer who will go the one extra stepthat Nigel Short and Michael Adamscould not quite make and produce aBritish ‘World Champion’ I intend toorganise weekend selectiontournaments incorporating ‘GrandMaster’ tuition. The first of which is earmarked for late spring at the ‘WestBromwich Moat House’ after that theevents will be held at locations governedby the potential, only playersrecommended as of suitable potential,by you, will be allowed to enter. Petersselection committee which is already inplace will supplement this.I invite your recommendations whoshould contact me by email and I seekyour advice on any aspect including anyinformation about the ‘Glorney andFaber’ cups.Lara BarnesHastings International Chess CongressOpen Knockout ResultsPremier Tournament1st Prize Vladimir Belov( Rus) £1500Runner-up Bartosz Socko (Pol)Losing semi-finalists M Pavlovic (Scg); A Barsov (Uzb)Losing quarter-finalists M Bluvshtein (Can); D Howell (Eng); T Rendle (Eng);R Ziatdinov (USA)Players who were knocked out of Premier after quarter-final stage re-joinedChallengersTournament and results of Challengers Tournament are:1st = V Neveroj (Ukr); A Barsov (Uzb); M Socko (Pol)4th = V Kotronias (Gre); N Pert (Eng); D Gormally (Eng); J Gonzales (Phi);Z Efimenko (Ukr); W Hendriks (Ned)Highest placed female playerNon GM/IMNon rated playerBritish ChampionshipQualifiers4Monika SockoErik ZudeJohn Dempsey; Sebastian Pozzo; Joe RichardsonJack RuddRichard BrittonYours SincerelyAlan RuffleStrictly no telephone calls after 9pmCHESSMOVES – JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2005CM MAGAZINE 124/1/0511:09 amPage 5Presentation of Awards for 2004BCF Chief Executive Roy Heppinstall presenting Mike Bolan (left) and Joe French with their President’s Award for Services to Chess.John Charman (left), Editor of En Passant, receiving the 2004 BCFMagazine of the Year Award from John Wickham (right).Brown Jack Chess Club, Small Club of the Year, with BCF ChiefExecutive Roy Heppinstall (centre) who presented their award.Future presentations will be made to Paul Watson of Sussex (President’s Award) and Alwoodley Chess Club (Club of the Year).Editors Note:I have been reliably informed that Roy Heppinstall has in fact been the recipient of an award of his own. He waspresented in 2004 by Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland with a Community & Vocational Service Award inrecognition of special service within the community.BATSFORD COMPETITIONCongratulations to theNOV/DECwinnerE B SANDERCOCKFROM CHALFONT ST GILES, BUCKSThe correct solution was 1.Qb8R.T. Lewis British Chess Magazine 1993White to play and mate in 2 movesPlease send your answer (just the first move is sufficient) on a postcard to theBCF Office, The Watch Oak, Chain Lane, Battle, East Sussex TN33 0YD.The first correct entry drawn on 10th March 2005 will win a Batsford voucherfor any book on their current list.CHESSMOVES – JANUARY/FEBRUARY 20055 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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