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Cosmopolitan Spaces
Routledge Advances in Sociology
For a full list of titles in this series, please visit www.routledge.com
7. Immigrant Life in the U.S.
Multi-disciplinary Perspectives
Edited by Donna R. Gabaccia and
Colin Wayne Leach
15. Globalization, Uncertainty and
Youth in Society
Edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Erik
Klijzing, Melinda Mills and Karin Kurz
8. Rave Culture and Religion
Edited by Graham St. John
16. Love, Heterosexuality and
Paul Johnson
9. Creation and Returns of
Social Capital
A New Research Program
Edited by Henk Flap and Beate Völker
17. Agricultural Governance
Globalization and the New Politics
of Regulation
Edited by Vaughan Higgins and
Geoffrey Lawrence
10. Self-Care
Embodiment, Personal Autonomy and
the Shaping of Health Consciousness
Christopher Ziguras
18. Challenging Hegemonic
Richard Howson
11. Mechanisms of Cooperation
Werner Raub and Jeroen Weesie
19. Social Isolation in Modern Society
Roelof Hortulanus, Anja Machielse and
Ludwien Meeuwesen
12. After the Bell
Educational Success, Public Policy
and Family Background
Edited by Dalton Conley and
Karen Albright
20. Weber and the Persistence
of Religion
Social Theory, Capitalism and
the Sublime
Joseph W. H. Lough
13. Youth Crime and Youth Culture in
the Inner City
Bill Sanders
21. Globalization, Uncertainty and
Late Careers in Society
Edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld,
Sandra Buchholz and Dirk Hofäcker
14. Emotions and Social Movements
Edited by Helena Flam and
Debra King
22. Bourdieu’s Politics
Problems and Possibilities
Jeremy F. Lane
23. Media Bias in Reporting Social
The Case of Reviewing Ethnic
Inequalities in Education
Martyn Hammersley
33. A Crisis of Waste?
Understanding the Rubbish Society
Martin O’Brien
34. Globalization and
Transformations of Local
Socioeconomic Practices
Edited by Ulrike Schuerkens
24. A General Theory of Emotions
and Social Life
Warren D. TenHouten
25. Sociology, Religion and Grace
Arpad Szakolczai
35. The Culture of Welfare Markets
The International Recasting of Pension
and Care Systems
Ingo Bode
26. Youth Cultures
Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes
Edited by Paul Hodkinson and
Wolfgang Deicke
36. Cohabitation, Family and Society
Tiziana Nazio
27. The Obituary as Collective
Bridget Fowler
37. Latin America and
Contemporary Modernity
A Sociological Interpretation
José Maurício Domingues
28. Tocqueville’s Virus
Utopia and Dystopia in Western Social
and Political Thought
Mark Featherstone
38. Exploring the Networked Worlds
of Popular Music
Milieu Cultures
Peter Webb
29. Jewish Eating and Identity
Through the Ages
David Kraemer
39. The Cultural Signifi cance of the
Child Star
Jane O’Connor
30. The Institutionalization of
Social Welfare
A Study of Medicalizing Management
Mikael Holmqvist
40. European Integration as an
Elite Process
The Failure of a Dream?
Max Haller
31. The Role of Religion in Modern
Edited by Detlef Pollack and
Daniel V. A. Olson
41. Queer Political Performance
and Protest
Benjamin Shepard
32. Sex Research and Sex Therapy
A Sociology Analysis of Masters
and Johnson
Ross Morrow
42. Cosmopolitan Spaces
Europe, Globalization, Theory
Chris Rumford
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